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Culinary History


PROLOGUE- Melbourne - June, 1990 - Written by Aelfryn Bailey - [R.I.P]

"The purpose of this eulogy is primarily to put together a history of the “Black Cap", and details of the Memorial Award which is named in honour of Sid Taylor. Also to list the achievements and qualifications, together with a few humorous anecdotes, of the man I often worked with on special functions of various kinds.

All of this is put together for Mrs. Grace Taylor, for the Taylor family in England and Australia, but in particular, for Grace and Sid's two young grandchildren who live in Melbourne.

I trust that in years to come that young Sarah and James will appreciate that their grandfather was held in high esteem by the Professional Chefs and the Catering Industry of Victoria.

Having been one of Sid's close friends for 20 years until he died in 1978, I felt honoured to be asked to compile a history of his professional career. My thanks to Mrs. Grace Taylor for making available all of Sid's papers and for her time and patience in answering all of the questions put to her.

My thanks also to Mr. John Miller, Senior Curriculum Officer at the William Angliss College, Melbourne, for the information and photographs he sent pertaining to the history of the" Black Cap", and for the selection criteria for the" Sidney Taylor Memorial Black Hat Award" John Miller is a recipient of the "Sidney Taylor Memorial Black Hat Award", having been presented with the award at the 1989 Guild Annual Ball. He has been a President, the Secretary and committee member of the Guild over the last twenty years. The Guild based in Melbourne is one of the biggest organisations of its type in Australasia. John was also one of Sid Taylor's friends.

Particular attention should be given in reading the extremely high standard of criteria to be meticulously adhered to in selecting a successful recipient for this prestigious award.

Sid contributed a tremendous amount of time and effort as a member, committee member, and as Overseas Public Relations Officer of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd. His contribution to the Guild and the Catering Industry of Victoria will be remembered with respect by his peers.

As the years roll by, when the “Sidney Taylor Memorial Black Hat Award" is presented to future recipients, the name, the memory and the respect will remain as strong as ever.

Aelfryn Bailey (RIP) was: - Honorary Life Member and Secretary Emeritus of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd.

- Honorary Life Fellow- Catering Institute of Australia.

- Honorary Life Member - World Association of Cooks Societies."

Origin of The Black Hat - 1990 by Aelfryn Bailey - [R.I.P]

Black in the context of the "Sidney Taylor Memorial Black Hat Award” has no connection with the long established European custom of wearing black clothes as a sign of mourning.

To understand the origin of the Black Hat is to understand that the Romans in the 7th century, when in England, organised the many different little kingdoms into a single church order. In doing so, they helped to create the unity of England. In the 11th century, the Norman conquerors arrived in England and set about building castles, churches and monasteries throughout the land, using the cheapest building materials possible - the stones from nearby quarries. Many of these monasteries offered food and rest to many a weary traveller - for a price - thus sowing the seeds of what was to become the catering industry with professional cooks being employed.

In the 14th century, the introduction of brick making and laying revolutionised the building and design of all types and sizes of dwellings and structures. It brought about the building of fireplaces, ovens and chimneys. It allowed the temperature of ovens to be controlled by the use of flue plates and controlled draught into the chimney. The humble brick has played a very important part in the history of English cookery.

In the 15th century, the English Worshipful Company of Cooks was chartered in the year of 1482, although it had been founded nearly 50 years prior to the charter. It is both the oldest and most senior of all British professional cooks’ organisations and is still in existence. The Worshipful Company of Cooks is incorporated in the Cookery and Food Association U.K., which was founded in 1885 and enrolled by Special Authority of the Lords of The Treasury in 1891.

- It is under, as appropriate the Patronage of: - Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. - The Queen Mother - Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal It is interesting to note that it was a strict rule of the Worshipful Company of Cooks was that no girl should be apprenticed.

In the 18th century, cooks either did not wear a hat, or wore a shapeless white cap pulled into a variety of styles to suit the whim of the wearer.

Although it is known that cooks in some monasteries wore the old or discarded black skullcaps of the monks during the latter part of the 17th century, it is now generally accepted that the black cap originated in a London Hotel in the mid 19th century.

The black skull cap as headgear for an English Master Craftsman or Professional Cook originated in the 1840's at the famous Reform Club and was a black velvet cap from which a tassel dangled. It was several years later when the flamboyant and brilliant culinary artist, Alexis Soyer became Maitre Chef des Cuisines of the Reform Club that the black cap became famous through the publicity that Soyer attracted by wearing a tall vivid red chef's hat until the black skull cap took his fancy. Soyer worked with Florence Nightingale in the Crimea to improve the standard of food for the wounded British soldiers in military hospitals. Generations of British army cooks even up to the 1960's will have fond memories of the "Soyer Boiler” a vital piece of field kitchen equipment. The Worshipful Company of Cooks fostered the wearing of the black skullcap but only by selected top class cooks. In England, the black skull cap is still worn by the Master Cook [being the equivalent of the French Maitre Chef de Cuisine or the American Executive Chef] at the famous English-Style restaurant "Simpson's in the Strand". The Black Cap Master Cook would stand in front of the customers with his hot trolley carving juicy slices of red sirloin beef. It is traditional at London's Guildhall when Royalty is present for English Black Cap Cooks to enter the hall and carve the huge barons [saddles] of beef.

And so since 1980 the tradition continues in Australia - our version: The Sidney Taylor Memorial Black Hat Award - is the traditional tall chef's hat entirely in Black.

It is presented by the recipient's peers, in this case the Full Committee of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd (Now Australian Culinary Federation Victoria) to the Master Cook who may not necessarily be the Head Chef, and is held by a member until a worthy successor is found.

The awardee is entitled to continue to wear the Black Hat as a holder of the highest recognition given by his or her counterparts. It is not an award to recognise cookery skill alone, but to recognise the recipients contribution to the development of Australian professional cookery fraternity. Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd - Now the Australian Culinary Federation Victoria

The Sidney Taylor Memorial Black Hat Award - Selection Criteria

Criteria to be followed for the selection of a recipient of the Sid Taylor Memorial Black Hat. ( The rules and selection criteria below were first developed in 1980. Organisation names and the way they operate have changed, however the original intent of the selection criteria remains the same and should be followed)

1. The Sid Taylor Memorial Black Hat [S.T.M.B.H. shall be the name of the award.

2a The Committee will from time to time form a sub - committee to discuss and decide the suitability of the Nominee.

2b The sub - committee shall consist of two officers and three Guild members who shall discuss and present their recommendation to the full Committee. 2.c The S.T.M.B.H. will be awarded to a named cook / chef at a full committee meeting if a unanimous decision is reached by secret ballot.

3a The nominee must have been or be a Cook / Chef by reputation not necessarily by qualification.

3bThe nominee must be well known in the industry for being :

[i] Professional ; [ii] Enthusiastic ; [iii] Good-natured ; [iv] Conscientious ; [v] Ethical .

4.Only Chefs who have made outstanding contributions to Australian culinary progress and development at the highest trade or professional level, will be considered for this prestigious award.

5.The proposer who is member of the Guild in good standing must provide properly documented evidence of the proposed Chef's outstanding contribution to Australian culinary progress and development over a minimum period of ten years. A copy of exacting documentation is to be provided to each member of the sub - committee , so that a close scrutiny of the evidence can be achieved and further investigated if necessary by any member of the sub - committee.

6. When and to whom this award will be made will be entirely at the discretion of the full committee.

7. The awardee of the Black Chef's Hat Award will also be given the following privileges:

7a The right to hold in care the Black Chef's Hat trophy for a period of twelve months only. After that time the award - trophy must be returned to the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd.

7b The right to wear a cloth replica of the Black Chef's Hat whenever he / she chooses.

7c The right to receive an Honorary Life Membership of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd.

7d The right to have his or her name engraved on a miniature plaque, attached to the Black Chef's Hat Award, in perpetuity.
7e The privilege of receiving a framed photograph of the S.T.M.B.H. with an awarding Certificate - the certificate shall be properly sealed with the Guild's Official Seal, an endorsement of the recipient will be boldly printed on the Certificate.

8. The S.T.M.B.H. shall not be open for personal application; no personal lobbying for the award will be countenanced.

9. The nominated Chef is not to be informed of the investigation into his / her credentials for the award, nor is he / she to be given any "leaked " information that may lead to speculative conclusions.

10. The award will be announced at a Guild Annual General Meeting by the President and be presented to the recipient during the Guilds Annual Ball.

11. Anyone who wears a Black Hat without A.G.P.C.Ltd endorsement shall be guilty of unprofessional conduct and , if a member , shall be excluded from membership of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd.

Addendums . In 2006, The following recommendations were received from The Sidney Taylor Black sub committee to the ACF national executive committee.

The Black Hat may be awarded to a member of industry not necessarily confined to a member of the ACF.

The ACF President in consultation with the Executive committee may award a maximum of three [3] black hats in any given year.

ACF President in consultation with the executive committee may elect not to award a black hat in any given year. Questions still in debate:

Should Black Hat nominations remain anonymous and confidential or should nominations be declared to nominees prior to be awarded?

Should nominees from any given year be automatically put forwarded for consideration for the following year?

Black Hat Award Recipients

The award was first dedicated in 1980 at the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks’ Annual Ball, when it was presented to Mrs. Grace Taylor and named in memory of her late husband.

The award itself is a full size sculpture of the chef's traditional hat and is black in colour with an ebony sheen whilst the base on which the hat stands is made from Queensland timber. The base is carved to represent a chain of office and there is a gold guild medal inserted.

It is carved from a single block of Huon Pine from Tasmania. The block was first allowed to soak in a special "pickle" for six months to condition and preserve the wood, and to attain the ebony colour.

The sculptor was a Mr. John Brown, an Australian artist famed for his sculptures and his antique refurbishing expertise.

Since 1980 when the award was dedicated the following chefs have been awarded a Black Hat:

  1. [+] Sidney Ernest Taylor.
  2. [+] Alexander Chenevier.
  3. Ernst Stuhler.
  4. John Mangan Miller. O.A.M. - Chevalier de L'Ordre du Mérite.
  5. [+] Claudio Magris. O.A.M.
  6. [+] Aelfryn Bailey.
  7. George Hill.
  8. Bernd Michael Uber.
  9. Gary Farrell.

It is appropriate at this point to give a cameo description of the type of persons the Guild committee selected to honour with this prestigious award.

Sidney Ernest Taylor [R.I.P] - Career

Sid was born in England in the university town of Cambridge and became a naturalised Australian citizen. The first cooking lessons he received were during his school boy days. At weekends and after school he, along with his older brother Horace and younger brother Lance, worked in his father's bread bakehouse. They also delivered the finished product by balancing large baskets piled high with bread on their bicycles.

Sid opted for a cooking career, rather than one in the back - breaking trade of breadmaking and baking when hand mixing and moulding were the norm before the age of automated machinery in bakehouses.

He served the usual three year apprenticeship at St. John's College in Cambridge. As the apprenticeship came to an end in 1939 the dark clouds of war rolled over Europe and he remained at the college for a further two years as a Commis Chef [improver cook]. During World War II [1939 - 1945], he served in the Royal Air Force in England, India, Burma and Singapore.

Returning to civilian life in 1946, he went back to St John's College for two years. During this time he commenced study for the British Trade Certificate -"City and Guilds Number 151". He then moved to the medium size Chesterton Hospital as Head Chef for a short period of time before taking up a position as Assistant Head Chef at the 350 bed Addenbrooks Hospital near Cambridge. He remained at Addenbrooks for several years until selected as one of the team of professional cooks to cater for the Olympic Games in 1956 held in Melbourne. On arrival in Australia he was assigned to the American kitchen.

After the Olympic Games came to an end he secured a job in the main kitchen of the Austin Hospital at Heidelberg, one of the major hospitals in the State of Victoria. Within a year he was called into the Catering Manager's Office and offered the Head Chef's position in Heidelberg House. At that time Heidelberg House was used for the exclusive use of private patients with a more sophisticated menu and type of cooking to that of the main kitchen, which produced meals in bulk for all public patients. After fourteen years at the hospital, Sid was successful in his application for quite a unique position, which would offer the challenge he had been seeking.

The S.E.C.V. - State Electricity Commission of Victoria had advertised for a Product Development Officer - they were very fortunate in gaining the services of Sid Taylor. The product to be developed was kitchen equipment of all types and shapes; he became part of a team consisting of design engineers, electrical engineers and various other types of skilled specialists. He went a step further; he taught the cooks how to get the best use out of equipment. He gave lectures and demonstrations to professional catering trade groups and did the same at the Food Colleges for classes of students and apprentices. He was known by the cooks and chefs of Victoria as «my friend at the SECV».

It was in January 1975 while working at the SECV he volunteered to join the SECV Emergency Task Force formed and flown up to make emergency repairs to essential services in the City of Darwin in the Northern Territory. Darwin suffered enormous damage on Christmas Eve when Cyclone "Tracey" tore through the city sweeping up houses, trees, and most other things that stood in its path.

Right to the end of his life, Sid was involved in activities associated with his portfolio as Overseas Public Relations Officer, and a member of the committee of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks as an elite " Master Member".

His favourite off duty pastime was playing golf. He took his golf rather seriously and the weather would have to be really bad before he would admit defeat to nature's elements and walk back to the clubhouse for a jar of liquid refreshment.

Alex Chenevier. [R.I.P] 1980

Alex served in New Guinea with the Royal Australian Air Force during World War 11. As a French born Australian who became a highly qualified Master Head Chef, his reputation in the profession was known throughout Australia and Europe.

He served for many years as Chef de Cuisine in some of the leading hotels and restaurant in Sydney and Melbourne. Alex spent a number of years as a Chef Instructor at the William Angliss College, as a personal Chef to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and his Royal Highness Prince Phillip in Canberra during their official visits to Australia.

He served a two-year term as President of Australia's first Cooks' Guild in the mid 1960's and for many years continued as a member of the committee. His whole life was devoted to the uplifting of the cooking profession and assisting young people to reach their full potential.

In 1989, the Council of the Dandenong College [Casey] of TAFE. named one of the four kitchens in his honour. Ernst Stuhler. 1983

After completing two apprenticeships as a cook and pastry cook Ernst Stuhler worked a chef de partie, function chef, pastry cook and executive chef in a number of restaurants and hotels before joining an international shipping line as second chef Having sailed to 83 countries – Ernst came to Australia to become Executive Chef at Leonda in 1972 – Ernst has catered for royalty as well as government heads. During that time, became a member of the Catering Institute of Australia and a foundation member of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks.

An artist in the true culinary sense with a gift of passing on to his apprentices his artistic expertise and enthusiasm with a very high degree of success. "Ern" and his apprentices were usually among the prize winners at culinary competitions of all types. He supported the Guild, fully giving of his time by creating artistic centrepieces for exhibitions on the President's Table of Honour. and is well known at the competitions as a Food Judge. S Since selling his interest in the Paternoster restaurant, he operates a highly successful pastry cook and confectionery business.

Within this enterprise, he remains committed to the advancement of skills to the apprentices indentured to him.

John Mangan Miller OAM. 1990

John has the distinction of being the first Australian born recipient of the Black Hat award.

Born in Melbourne, he served his apprenticeship in the city of his birth and from 1949 on spent a great many years working overseas in various parts of the world.[Savoy Hotel London, Ladies Carlton Club London, Goring Hotel London, Cumberland Marble Arch London, Hong Kong Hilton, Nile Hilton, Malta Hilton, Cyprus Hilton, American Club Tokyo].

Returning to Melbourne in late 1969, he joined the education department as a Chef Instructor at The William Angliss College eventually becoming head of the Foods Department. He was involved as a foundation member in 1974 with setting up The Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd, serving at times as a committee person , company secretary and President.

In 1980 he returned to Hong Kong to work at the newly opened Hong Kong Polytechnic Department of Hospitality Management as a Senior Lecturer, later promoted to a Principal Lecturer. In 1984 he returned to Melbourne to the position of Senior Curriculum Development Officer[ Hospitality], a position he held until his retirement in 1992.

In1989 and 1992 kitchens at Dandenong [Casey] TAFE and William Angliss College were named in his honour.

In 1993 he was inducted into the prestigious L’Académie Culinaire de France. On many occasions representing Australia as a juryperson at the Bocuse d'Or in Lyon. France. In 1999 The Minister of Agriculture for the Republic of France made him a Chevalier "Knight" de L 'Ordre du Mérite Agricole for service to French Cuisine and Hospitality Education.

Claudio Magris OAM. [R.I.P] 1992

Claudio was born in Northern Italy in 1923. At the age of fourteen he went to Venice to begin formal training as an apprentice cook

His first position was at the Bar Roma, later on transferring to the Trattoria Colombo because it would give him greater scope in classical and provincial cookery

From 1942, he travelled to many parts of Italy gaining experience as a commis, chef tournant and Chef de Cuisine then moving back to Venice to the Hotel Monaco.

In 1950, Australia called and in particular, Mario’s restaurant which in those days was renown throughout the restaurant trade. He held many senior positions around Melbourne until the opportunity was afforded him to travel to Canada in 1982. For the next two years, he was involved in opening a chain of restaurants for Saint James Restaurants of Canada Ltd. Returning to Melbourne he once again involved himself in the hotel and restaurant industry until his retirement in 1985. .The highlights of his career included Royal Tours in Melbourne and Canberra and representing Australia at three Culinary Olympics [1968, 1984 and 1988.] Apart from his cooking prowess, he is considered one of the finest margarine sculptors in the world; proof of this is the numerous gold medals won at the Culinary Olympics in Frankfurt Germany. In 2002, on Australia Day he was bestowed with an A.O.M for services to Australian Cuisine and the Catering Industry.

Aelfryn Bailey.

Aelfryn Bailey[Ael] was born in Wales in 1922. He immigrated to Australia with wife Betty and daughter Maureen. Ael's career commenced in Bournemouth at the age of fourteen, retiring in 1983 after forty-seven years of dedicated involvement in the catering and hospitality industries.

He held positions in the hospital arena, catering in the Ocean Islands, Foods Service Manager with Davies Coop and Company and from 1970 to 1983; he was Food Service Manager of the Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital in East Melbourne.

His involvement extended to competition work - who could forget his Mexican centrepieces made from dried out crayfish shells - butterflies from fish bones and other exhibits sent off to London to Hotel Olympia.

Following on from the competition work, he was often called upon to judge his peers and to instruct young apprentices who wished to compete.

When judging he was always seen to be fair in his assessment of their efforts.

His legendary involvement in Guilds and Associations was a benchmark for all others to follow. He is the only member of the Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd to hold the title of Secretary Emeritus such was the esteem his colleagues felt for his service to the art of cookery and fraternity of cooks.

Ael also has a kitchen named in his honour at Dandenong [Casey] College of TAFE.

George Hill 2000

George began his apprenticeship in 1956 in a traditional brigade system in the "Silver Grill" kitchen of The Cumberland Hotel, London. During this traditional apprenticeship, he also attended "South East London Technical College" in his own time and on the only two evenings a week that were not split shift to obtain a City and Guilds Cookery 147 - 150 and 151 Qualifications.

Following his apprenticeship, he worked as a third, second and a first commis before becoming a chef de partie in a number of London hotels. before immigrating to Australia in 1965 to prepare for a new challenge and an exiting new life. With a 56 year career that ranged from an apprenticeship in cookery, to various positions from commis de cuisine to chef de partie in London. Then, executive sous chef and executive chef - Melbourne - then in 1972 becoming a commercial cookery teacher that led to promotion as a Senior Teacher - Deputy Head of Foods - Head of Foods Department - Training and Development Services Program Manager.

In 1986, another milestone occurred when he took on the new responsibility as Head of Hospitality Studies at Casey Institute (now Chisholm) and led a team of 37 teachers and over 1000 students in cookery and hospitality management studies. In 1994 with the tragic loss of his wife from cancer, George resigned from teaching. George is now happily married to Catherine and is semi retired having also operating a very successful tourism award winning boutique gourmet B&B and a hospitality consulting business.

During his career there has been many career milestones including:

1980. Gold Medallist Culinary Olympics.

1983. Australian Foodservice Manufacturers Award for Excellence.

1988. Churchill Fellowship.

1994. National Association of Food Equipment Suppliers Award for Excellence.

1998. Director of World Championships in Cookery Melbourne. Author of three principle publications. Past President "Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd" Past President "Australian Institute of Hospitality Management"

1995, 1997 and 1999 Director Melbourne Salon Culinaire.

2001.Bestowed life membership by Australian Culinary Federation-National.

2004 Identified by Les Toques Blanches as a "Pioneer" 

2010 Awarded Australian Hall of fame chairman's award F.S.A.A National awards

2009 1010 - 2011 - 2012 Chairman of Australian Chef of the Year competition

There are very few competitions across Australia that he has not been invited to be on the jury and has judged in every state in Australia over the past 30 years.

Internationally, he has been invited to be on jury panels in New Zealand, Switzerland, and Fiji

Between himself and late wife Jean, they won over 65 gold, silver and bronze medals in competition. With 13 medals alone from the Culinary Olympic, 60% that were the fantastic sculpturing talents of his late wife. George has always maintained that he would have never ever have achieved his career highlights without the great assistance from many other colleagues, like the John Millers of this world and in particular the unwavering support and encouragement from his late wife, Jean.

Bernd Uber 2006

Bernd Uber – German born. Trained & worked in Stuttgart &Frankfurt. Moved to Melbourne / Australia working in Clubs & Restaurants as Chef de Cuisine. Owner of 2 restaurants in 60s& 70s in Melbourne. Changed career path to teaching commercial cookery & hospitality. Diploma of technical teaching. Numerous culinary judging invitations over 30 years, national & internationally, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Dubai & Singapore. Accredited National Judge, ACF. Chief judge Bocuse d’Or national selection for Lyon for the years 05, 07 & 09

Member of “ Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd” since 1975. Master - & Life Member. “Black Hat Award” recipient 2006. “ Australian Culinary Federation Vic. “ Les Toques Blanches Vic. Awarded “ Pioneer of the Industry” “ Verband der Koeche Deutschlands eV, Gold Pin „ L’Academie Culinaire de France Aus.

Highlights Aspiration as second year apprentice cook to one day own a restaurant and also become part of academia in the college training system. Both achieved. Opening three establishments from the beginning. To be invited, even in “retirement”, to judge at the world’s biggest and most prestigious culinary competition, the Culinary Olympics in Germany 2008. Ongoing—to be part of this exiting industry, as a culinary judge, observer and mentor. Personal Interests Family Family Travel Profile


Name Bernd – Michael Uber

Date & Place of Birth 16.01.44 Liegnitz – Germany

Status Married 1973 Children – son 1976, daughter 1981

Professional Career

1960 Apprenticeship – Commercial Cookery at Restaurant Ratskeller – Stuttgart

1960-1964 Various restaurants – Hotels – large banqueting Stuttgart and Frankfurt

1965 Commercial Travellers’ Club Melbourne Chef Saucier – Sous Chef

1966 Lido – Restaurant and Cabaret – Melbourne Chef Saucier – Sous Chef

1967-1968 La Casa de Manana – Hotel – Restaurant Sous Chef – Chef de Cuisine

1969-1973 Black Rose Restaurant Restaurateur - Owner

1974-1975 Nathania Springs Restaurant Restaurateur - Owner

1975 Teacher - William Angliss College of Catering and Food Studies Melbourne

1980-1981 Secondment Whitehorse Technical College, Box Hill Teacher and Acting Head of Department

1982-2006 Transfer to Box Hill Institute of TAFE as foundation member of Food and Beverage Studies Department

Academic Achievements

• Landesberufsfachschule fuer das Hotel – und Gaststaettengewerbe Bad Ueberkingen – Honours

• Trained Trade Instructor’s Certificate Hawthorn Teacher’s College – 1977

• Diploma of Technical Teaching H.T.C. – 1981

• Certificate of Catering William Angliss College – 1984

Professional Associations & Recognitions

• Verband der Koeche Deutschlands E.V. Gold Pin • Australasian Guild of Professional Cooks Ltd. Since 1975, - Master Member and Life Member • Australian Culinary Federation • Les Toques Blanches Vic. ------ Pioneer of the Industry 2005 • Academie Culinaire de France Aus. State President Victoria • Black Hat Award 2006 ACF. VIC

Judging Experience

• Australian Salon Culinaire over 30 years

• Work Skills Australia

• Apprentice of the Year over 20 years

• Spotless Culinary Competition over 10 years

• Stamford Culinary Comp.

• Darel Cox Culinary Comp. 20 years

• International Chief Judge Salon Culinaire Wellington, New Zealand.

• Accredited judge Les Toques Blanches Vic. and Academie Culinaire de France AUS.

• Assisted in training of Navy and Apprentice Teams in readiness for Frankfurt Culinary Olympics

• Support team – Culinary Olympics – Germany 1988-1992

• Member of management committee (5) organising the Individual Cooking Championship 1998 at World Congress of Cooks in Melbourne

• Melbourne Culinary Challenge 2002/ 2004/ 2006 • International Judge “Gulfood”, Dubai Feb. 2003 &2008

• COQCCC invited interstate judge 2004-2008-04-18 • Committee and chief judge for selection of Australian representative for Lyon for 2005-2009 Bocuse d’Or

• International Judge “Culinary Art”, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2003, 2005, 2007

• Organising Committee for Australian National Selection “Bocuse D’Or” for Lyon 2005 and 2007 - Chief Judge • Organising Committee and Judge for “The Culinary Pro-Am” Melbourne 2004/2005 and 2006

• Organising Committee and Judge for “Les Toques Blanches Award for Excellence” competitions 2001 – 2007 • Nestle Golden Chefs Hat 2005

• COQCCC Brisbane 2005, 2006,2007

• Vic Tafe Challenge Judge 2006, Chief Judge 2007 • Swinburne Apprentice Chef of the Year Judge 2006

• National Culinary Judge accreditation, Australian Culinary Federation

Gary Farrell 2006

Gary Farrell, a Modern Classical Chef who matches traditional Haute Cuisine with Modern technique resulting in Bold, Complex dishes with an eye for styling food, known in industry for two things, the task master he has the reputation of someone who is pure passion, not only with food but also as the profession of “The Chef"

Gary started in Apprenticeship in Birmingham, England moving to London where he went through the partie system, moving to Australia in the early 1990’s

With 25 years of experience in A la Carte, Banquet, Operations, Logistics, Marketing & Promotion, Event Management, Culinary Teams, Culinary Competitions & Positions including Executive Chef & Director of Food & Beverage, Gary is dedicated to the Craft.

Awarded a Black Hat, 2006

Australian Experience

Hilton Hotel, Melbourne, Saucier

Melbourne Cricket Club,Head Chef Members Pavilion

Subiaco Oval, Perth, Western Australia, Pre opening & Opening

Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne, Executive Chef Hotel

Sofitel, Melbourne, Senior Sous Chef

Melbourne Aquarium, Executive Chef

The Hogan Corporation, Consulting Chef, Operations Manager

Fenix Restaurant & Events with Raymond Capaldi & Gary Mehigan

The Victorian Wine Precinct, Federation Square – Pre Opening and Opening, Introduction of Reserve & George Calambaris Director / Owner of Brand - Melbourne Culinary Challenge –Fine Food Melbourne 2002, 2004, 2006 Farrell’s Forum - a Junior chefs forum - part of Fine Food Melbourne with Guest Chef Programs Director / Owner of Brand “The Culinary Studio” held Royal Melbourne Show 2007, with 11 days of Culinary Competitions & Programs such as “Battle” “Kids Studio” “Tag Team Challenge”

Recorded Live for TV

Director / Owner of Brand “Advantage Concepts & Events”

Industry Experience

Team Captain Australian National Culinary Team 1997 – 2005 - Berlin, Erfurt, Culinary Olympics, Scot Hot

Past Victorian President Australian Culinary Federation

Australian National Culinary Craft Judge – Senior – National & International Competition, Perth, Senior Judging Panel, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin, Brisbane, Apprentice trainer / session teacher (delivery of food related modules)

Apprentice Judge in domestic and international competition Food writer (articles in food related media magazines) Guest Chef Programs, Nationally Cooking School Public – William Angliss Short Courses- delivery of Cooking Techniques and Recipes Trainer, Judge Daryl Cox Memorial Trophy

Judge Nestle Golden Chefs Hat

Australian Food Promotion Hanoi Vietnam

Australian Representative World Individual Cooking Competition 1998

Manager Team Australia MLA Black Box Competition – September 2005 – ranked 2nd

Australian Certified Executive Chef

Australian Promotion World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, Regarded as one of the most prestigious events in the world with all world leaders attending. It involved the development of menu content, production, freight from Australia, Collating of supplies in Europe, service and Australian Promotion

Culinary Ambassador South Africa World Cooks Tour for Hunger which raised over 2 million Rand for Disadvantaged People in South Africa

Chairman of Judges “Best of the Best” Pizza Competition - National Pizza Championship run by Dairy Farmers to find the best Pizza Maker in Australia, Winner represents Australia in the World Final; Las Vegas, Australia has had Four World Champions

Royal on the Park Brisbane, Executive Chef, Director Food & Beverage

Cloudland at the Valley, Brisbane, Executive Chef Group General Manager - Centennial Vineyards restaurant and Bradman Museum, Cricket Hall of Fame, Bowral NSW

See also:

[1]ACF Black Hat Profile. [2]Part A ACF Black Hat Overview and Selection Criteria. [3]ACF Black Hat Nomination Form.